Sunday, November 23, 2008

Never been so tired and satisfied....

Every year the Genesis staff sponsors a turkey outreach in which we raise money and food to deliver as many possible turkey dinners into the community as we possibly can. Well this is the completion of my first year on staff and that means this is my first turkey outreach on staff. You know it doesn't really look all that difficult from the outside. Well not to say that it is all that difficult, but it's just so much bigger than me that it feels overwhelming. Maybe i just described what it is like to do something that i need God for. I am the kind of person who focuses on the thing i am doing in the moment. For example, if it is Saturday and i am watching football than THAT IS WHAT I AM DOING. Just ask my girlfriend. So for the last couple of weeks this outreach has been on my mind pretty heavy. Now that it is over i must say that i am releaved. Not because the "work" is done but because our mission has been accomplished. That sounds corny but it is the truth. We set out to serve and bless people. There has been so much build up to this day that it is nice to get here. All that to say, today was great and it was awesome to see our volunteers and deliverers pull through so strong. I only hope this is one of many turkey outreaches that i get to work on in the upcoming years. I'M OUT!!!