Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Update on my thoughts.....

WoW!!!! It's so amazing when the spirit of God moves in a place. Kind of weird because the spirit of God is ALWAYS moving in EVERY place. One place that he moves is our heart. I'm not talking about the organ that pumps blood to our vessels, but rather the core of our being. Last night at Genesis I truly believe that as a whole we recognized God's existence in our core. It's revolutionary when this happens because it brings us to a point where we can make life changing decisions. I'm speaking at an elementary school chapel this friday and I am trying to rap my mind around what kind of impact a large group of excited elementary school kids can make in this world. I've been thinking for about 3 hours now........ You see when we recognize Gods spirit our own possibilities become his, and our potential expands tremendously. How do stay in that moment though? How do stay in close proximity to God? I typically think about a lot of things and blow most of them off, but this one i just can't. I've got to know the answer here. Because i want it, because i need it. God is convicting me of some things and i have learned one thing about convictions over the last day or two. Our convictions give us an oppurtunity to be obediant or disobedient. I want to be obedient. I believe our obedience to God allows us to discern his spirit and his prompting in our lives. I want to be prompted by God in all that i do. I don't know these are just some random things that have been going through my head. Something about writing stuff brings me some clarity... LOL. But i hope this reaches all of you somehow. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!! Keep it cool my baby

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Glorifying Him....

It's been a while since i have updated. Things have been good lately. I am leading a small group formed around the book Crazy Love written by Francis Chan. It's amazing the way a small group can change a persons heart. There is something about this group that attracts me. I think it may be the openness that we feel while we are there. It seems to be that the more i hear about these guys lives the more i care about them. I genuinely want to see these guys glorify God with there lives. I want to Glorify God with my life. This book is effecting me more than i thought it would. Honestly it's affecting me more than i wanted it to. I think sometimes we get so comfortable with our mediocre view of God. He is so big that my use of eloquent and well thought out descriptive words fall far to short to explain him. I cannot glorify God with my words but with my actions I can. What if my thoughts towards God cause me to actually change my actions. That is my thought lately. What if...... 1) i begin to live with a kingdom mindset 2) i step into god's plans rather than waiting for him to step into mine

I am realizing more and more that my possibilities are so limited without God's provision. I want to be apart of what he is doing. I want to be used in his movie. In his book Francis Chan says, "the point of my life is to point to him." He couldn't be more correct.